Thursday 14 December 2017

Formative Assessment Week 6-13

During our production of our Documentary, I familiarised myself with the sound recording equipment, mores specifically the clip mics as I had never used them before this project. After we finished filming and moved onto the post production stage of the project, my role of sound technician became less relevant, so I gave feedback on the film during the editing stage.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Co-Writing an essay.

For the final assessment of Recording Reality, we had to co-write a two thousand word essay on one documentary theory types and how it applies to at least two documentaries of our choice.

At first we created a small power-point presentation on out chosen theory and presented it to the class, along with video examples of how out theory applies to it. Afterwards, we were tasked to create an academic essay about said theory, so me and my partner each chose a documentary and researched it, learning how our theory could apply to it and how it compares to the other's documentary choice.

We then began to write the essay separately, becoming experts on our individual film and once we had finished, we put our essays together and worked on the introduction and conclusion, along with the bridging and comparison paragraphs to ensure that our individual essays linked together.

After getting feedback, we worked to improve what we had. The benefit to working with someone on an essay is its a little easier on each person as they would only have to research one documentary each rather than two on their own and the bridging paragraphs were relatively easy to make. The problem with co-writing an essay is repetition where both partners had written the same thing or used the same example, but this is easily fixed by proofreading the whole essay and changing the similarities, using different examples instead.