Saturday 12 November 2016

Camera Formats.

When filming, the ideal settings and formatting used on the camera include manual focus for maximum control, low gain when filming on a sunny day (-6), 0 for medium and 3 for high. When using hand held, I set the image stablise to dynamic, frame rate should  be set to 25p progressive, interlaced for a TV look. The shutter speed should be set to standard (1/50). Before filming, you should always reset the camera settings and wipe the card as someone else has probably messed around with the settings and has left their footage on the SD card.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Where I feel comfortable.

One of my most comfortable times of the day is in the morning when I lie on my broken in living room sofa, wrapped up in a stolen grey blanket I got from an aeroplane with a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate on the table in front of it while re runs of my favorite shows play on TV. Despite its simplicity, I cherish these moments as I lay down, warm and relaxed, surrounded by family as we start the day.